

20 Aturan Disiplin Dalam Trading, HARUS DIBACA UTK NEW TRADER!!

1. Kita dibayar karena disiplin.
Kita nggak perlu punya IPK 5.0, ga perlu pintar matematika, ga perlu fasih 4 bahasa, ga perlu punya pengalaman kerja 10 tahun, ga perlu bangun pagi pulang malam utk sukses di forex. Market hanya membayar satu hal dari kita: DISIPLIN. Cuma satu itu. Dan ya cuma itulah yg dibutuhkan di sini, Disiplinlah dan market akan memenuhi rekening kita.

2. Bukan bola kalau tidak bundar.
Kalau dari 10 trading kita hanya 9 yang disiplin maka kita tentu belum bs dikatakan disiplin. Kalau kita bilang “saya sudah berhenti merokok” tapi masih suka ngumpet2 utk ngerokok itu namanya BELUM berhenti merokok. Belajarlah untuk disiplin di setiap trade.

3. Jangan obati luka bakar dengan api.
Saat market bergerak tidak sesuai dg yg kita harapkan kenapa harus diperburuk dengan membuka posisi yg sama terus menerus bahkan dg lot yg lebih besar? Segeralah keluar atau kurangi lot-nya. Itu uang lho yg kita keluarkan, bukan daun jambu.

4. Jangan tolak rejeki.
Kita semua pernah melakukan ini. Market telah menghidangkan uang utk kita dengan bergerak sesuai arah yg kita harapkan tapi kita nggak puas dengan uang sedikit. Lalu kita tungguin chart dan berharap uang itu menjadi banyak dan banyak, tapi seringkali market malah balik kanan dan kita masih saja berharap dan akhirnya malah kita yg harus mengeluarkan uang. Tidak perlu serakah. Toh market buka 24 jam. Masih ada hari esok.Jangan tolak rejeki yg sudah dihidangkan.
5. Percuma membuat gundukan dari air.
Seandainya siang ini kita sudah profit 50pip, maka usahakanlah trade berikutnya tdk loss lebih dari 50pip. Kalau saatnya sudah tepat, segera pindahkan stop loss ke +1. Buatlah gundukan dari tanah, bukan air.
6. Setialah.
Apapun trading system kita. Apapun indikatornya. Ambilah kertas dan pulpen (atau buka microsoft word). Tulis trading system kita, kapan kita masuk, kapan harus keluar, berapa lot yg dibuka, di mana menaruh TP dan SL. Sertakan screenshot-nya. Buatlah sedetil mungkin. Buatlah seolah2 kita sedang mengajari anak SD untuk mentradingkan uang sejuta dollar kita. Setelah itu print dan laminating jika perlu. Taruh di samping komputer. Kalau trading system tersebut berhasil 50% maka SETIALAH.

7. Carilah pakaian yang paling nyaman.
Jangan pakai jaket berbahan suede klo kita alergi dg bahan itu. Jangan pakai baju hitam tebal saat siang yg terik. Yang bagus untuk orang lain belum tentu sama bagusnya untuk kita. Jadi kalau kita nyaman dengan TF15m, kenapa harus memaksakan diri dg TF daily jika itu malah selalu bikin deg-degan? Ya coba2 sih boleh saja, tapi cukup di acc demo atau micro. Carilah gaya trading yg paling profitable tapi sekaligus paling nyaman dan menyenangkan menurut kita masing2.

8. Pastikan esok kita masih bisa trading.
Apakah sebuah meteor sdg menuju bumi? Apakah gelombang tsunami sdg menuju ke rumah kita? Apakah mulai minggu depan forex akan ditiadakan? Kalau tidak, lalu kenapa kita terburu2 ingin mengeruk profit sebanyak2nya hari ini juga? Jangan over-trade, jangan resikokan uang terlalu banyak, pastikan besok kita masih punya balance utk trading, supaya bs bayar cicilan, bs beli susu anak, dst. Tidak ada yg lebih menyedihkan daripada mengetahui harga akan bergerak 200 pips tapi ga ada cukup dana di account kita.
9. Sesuaikan ukuran bahu.
Kalau SMP saja belum lulus, kenapa kita pikir layak untuk duduk di bangku SMA? Kalau trading micro saja masih sering MC kenapa kita pikir di standar ga akan MC? Kalau 1lot saja sering banget loss, kenapa kita pikir 10lot akan berbeda? Kalau melawan Cris John saja belum menang kenapa maksa mau ngelawan Tyson? Tidak perlu mikul 10 karung beras kalau 1 karung saja sudah encok. Ikutilah prosesnya: demo, micro, mini, standar.

10. Saat gedung terbakar, cepatlah keluar.
Pecundang itu bukan saat kita loss. Pecundang itu kalau kita tahu harga sudah jelas balik badan tapi tetap ga berani cut loss. Jangan takut mengakui analisa kita salah. Semua trader pasti pernah loss. Yang kakap pun masih sering salah. Ga masalah kita loss hari ini, yang penting laporan akhir bulan tetap profit. Let the profit run, but cut your losses.

11. Just one big idea, and live like a king.
Para penemu hebat pasti mengerti ini, para musisi, para pengusaha, dan semua mereka yg namanya tidak pernah mati. Graham Bell, Alpha Edison, Soekarno, Elvis Presley, Nobel, George Soros, Colonel Sanders, dan orang2 hebat lainnya, semua memliki kesamaan yaitu memiliki satu ide besar dan fokus padanya. Karena mereka tau, sekali ide besar itu terwujud maka mereka akan hidup seperti raja. Temukan cara trading yg terbaik menurut kita masing2, jangan berhenti memperbaikinya, dan setialah. Lakukan apapun utk menemukannya, dan hiduplah seperti raja. Tapi money management dan disiplin akan menentukan seberapa lama kita tinggal di istana.
12. Ikuti saja anginnya
Begitu banyak faktor yg menentukan ke mana angin akan bertiup dan sekuat apa: kontur dataran, temperatur, penebangan hutan, posisi bulan dan bintang, jumlah nitrogen di tanah, jumlah cacing yg mati per minggu, dst, dst. Tapi pada akhirnya tidak terlalu penting apa yg menggerakkan angin, melainkan ke arah mana kita mengembangkan layar saat angin datang. Pada akhirnya tidak terlalu penting menganalisa harga sebelum news terjadi, ikuti saja arah arus yg dihasilkannya.
13. Pak guru tua yang pandai
Mungkin jaman sekolah dulu kita pernah terheran2 mengapa guru PPKN kita begitu lancarnya menyebut satu persatu butir2 pancasila, atau guru fisika yg dengan di luar kepala menjabarkan rumus relativitas umum? Sekarang kita tentu sudah tau rahasianya, ya iyalah hapal, wong setiap hari selama berpuluh2 tahun yang diomongin itu2 aja.. hehe. (Yg merasa guru jgn tersinggung ya, becanda). Jadi, kalau mulai hari ini kita setia dengan trading system kita, kita ulang2 setiap hari, kita pelototin setiap jam, bayangkan bagaimana hebatnya kita 5 atau 8 tahun dari sekarang. Tetaplah berlatih.

14. Yang penting bukan di mana kita saat ini, tapi di mana kita besok
Ya ya, kita tau rasanya MC, tau rasanya pingin nonjok monitor. Kita tau rasanya putus asa. Tapi kabar gembiranya, apakah ada trader sukses yg ga pernah ngerasain itu semua? Mereka semua pernah merasakan itu, dan mereka toh sukses sekarang. Berarti kita berada tepat di jalan yg sama dg mereka. Teruskan saja, sepanjang kita terus berjalan (atau merangkak) suatu hari pastilah sampai juga di sana. Nggak penting seberapa besar MC kita, tapi seberapa besar impian kita.
15. Gigitlah sedikit2 atau rahangmu lepas
Beberapa dari kita mungkin punya target profit harian 50 pip, atau 100 pip, atau 200 pip. Berapapun target kita, cobalah dipecah dalam beberapa kali trading. Mendapatkan 100pip sekali trading seringkali jauh lebih sulit (mental dan teknikal) dibanding dalam 5 kali trading. Makan sesuap demi sesuap akan lebih mudah dan menyenangkan dibanding 1 piring langsung.

16. Tentang menunggu
Apa kemampuan utama yg diperlukan utk menjadi seorang pemburu handal? Menembak? Bisa jadi. Tapi ada pepatah terkenal di antara para pemburu: Menunggu adalah separuh kesuksesan. Begitu pula saat singa memburu kerbau. Sebagian besar waktunya dihabiskan utk mengendap2 menunggu saat yg tepat, bukan utk berlarian ke sana kemari mengejar si kerbau. Punya seribu indicator dan seribu sistem tidak ada artinya tanpa tau cara menikmati masa menunggu.

17. Tentang penjaga menara
Kalau tempat kita berdiri terlalu rendah sehingga tidak bisa melihat ke mana badai mengarah, tanyakanlah pada penjaga menara. Kalau tempat kita berdiri terlalu tinggi sehingga tidak bisa merasakan getaran tanah, tanyakan pada mereka yg di bawah. Tengoklah apa yg sedang terjadi di TF besar dan kecil, lalu putuskan ke mana akan berlari.

18. Sejarah mengulang dirinya sendiri
Kita berada di zaman interglacier, di mana banjir nabi Nuh akan datang lagi. Temuan fosil mengatakan ternyata dunia sudah dikiamatkan berkali2. Asteroid pernah menumbuk bumi dan pasti datang lagi. Sejarah selalu berulang. Belilah buku yg bagus dan buatlah jurnal trading, catatlah kesalahan dan prestasi kita setiap hari. Suatu hari pasti ada gunanya, karena double top dan doji akan datang lagi. False signal akan selalu menggoda. Karena sejarah akan berulang.
19. Sesekali jadilah robot
Target trading kita ingin beli tivi yang lebih besar atau mobil yang lebih kinclong sebelum reuni SMA bulan depan? Modal trading kita hasil hutang ke bank dan seorang debt collector sdg menunggu di depan pintu? Atau kita baru saja bertengkar dg boss tepat sebelum sesi Eropa buka? Atau kita baru saja menghilangkan uang hasil jual sawah dalam 10 detik? Singkirkan emosi atau jangan lihat chart sama sekali, karena market tidak perduli sedikitpun tentang masalah kita, dia tetap akan bergerak ke manapun semaunya, meskipun kita mengancam bunuh diri di depan kantor broker . Sesekali jadilah robot.

20. Belajar membentur lantai
Ambillah bola tenis. Banting kuat2 ke lantai. Lihat seberapa tinggi dia memantul. Yup, kita semua tau semakin keras dia terbentur semakin tinggi dia terbang. Begitu juga dengan kita, loss itu penting utk membuat kita lebih hati2, MC itu perlu utk memaksa kita disiplin, percayalah semua kegagalan kita kemarin ada gunanya, itu adl lantai keras yang akan menerbangkan kita tinggi2 suatu hari nanti



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dont forget 


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Investment Program

Many people fail to make forex as the source of their income because they are not diligent, disciplined, patient and do not want to recognize the need for experience. As a result they soon give up that suffered losses after losses, with no time to take a lesson and severity of reverse keadaan.dan they do not want to learn from the mistakes they made, or because they do not realize the importance of experience, they deposited their funds too big in early trading career, and direct despair after experiencing losses fatal, as I did the first time acquainted with forex I spent almost 500 million just to study and try from this business, and God bless 500 million it lost everything, whether I should despair ... no live must go on I continue to learn until bener2 find strategies that profitable to live in this forex.

Therefore our team has FOREX HOME FINDING STRATEGIES remarkable exist in the forex trading business this trading pattern sangaat management safe, produce profit per month and have many indicators to determine the direction of the movement pattern of market trends every day, then We offer short-term investments in the forex market is with the deliverables as follows:

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> Minimum deposit $ 1,000 / USD. 10.000.000,00 (ten million rupiah)
> Investment Program Period in accordance with the selected program
> The division results / profit sharing every month, calculated starting 10 days after submission of the form agreement dispakati and investment funds (in the next month)
> Shipping profit on Saturday and Sunday will be transferred on Monday / only during business hours Banks
> Next Conditions can be viewed on our next form.

a. investment of $ 1000 - $ 5000 (10-50 million)
with profit gain of 4% fixed flat rate every month (at the sole risk of FOREX HOME)

a. investment of $ 5000 - $ 10,000 (50-100 million)
with profit gain fix a flat 5% per month (at the risk of liability FOREX HOME)

a. investment of $ 10,000 - $ 100,000 (100 million-1 M)
with profit gain fixed at 6% flat per month (at the sole risk of FOREX HOME)

you might ask why a little amount of percentage received by investors?
WAIT you try to compare it with the rest of the BANK in the world that much amount is too large for the investors because all the risk in half by our management, and if there is loss of ato thing that does not want the investors' money is secure and 100% money parent will return after the contract runs out.

1. Any risk of investment cooperation program becomes fully our responsibility as an executor.
2. All programs will get the "SECURITY" in the form of a letter that sealed the agreement will be sent to your address. (Witness notary if the investment amount above $ 5000)
3. Profit-making will be transferred in accordance with the agreement that has been previously agreed.
4. Operating Costs on the responsibility entirely by FOREX HOME.


Take advantage of the ease of this business to develop your funds!
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NB: to limit the risk of investment cooperation slot is only valid for 10 people!
U.S. contac

Name: Muhammad Abdullah
Address: Perum. Suko Asri park, Nlok G, No. 21 in Taman - Sidoarjo -East Java-Indonesia
Hp: +623178282901
E-mail: forexinside@yahoo.com

What exactly is Forex!

What exactly is Forex!
Stock exchange (UK: Foreign exchange market or forex abbreviated) or abbreviated stock exchange is a type of trade or that trade transaction currency of a country against another country's currency (the currency pair / pair) that involve major money markets in the world for 24 hours continuously.

Foreign exchange market movements spun from New Zealand and Australian markets which took place at 5:00 to 14:00 pm, continues into the Asian markets of Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong which took place at 7:00 to 16:00 pm, to European markets of Germany and the UK which took place at 13.00 -22.00 pm, until to the U.S. market which took place at 20:30 to 10:30 pm. In a historic development, the central bank of countries with foreign currency reserves that even the biggest can be defeated by the forces of free foreign exchange market.

According to a survey BIS (Bank for International Settlements - the world's central banks), conducted in late 2004, foreign exchange market transaction value reached more than USD $ 1.4 trillion per day. Thus, the prospects for investment in foreign exchange trading is very good as well as at high risk.

Given the level of liquidity and accelerating the movement of these high prices, foreign exchange has also become the most popular alternative because of the ROI (return on investment or the return value of the investments we have been planting) and the profit to be gained can exceed the average trading in general (usually Average returns ranged more than 5% - 10% per month, can even reach more than 100% per month for professional traders). Due to rapid movement, the foreign exchange risk is also higher if you do not have enough knowledge and good financial management arrangements.

FOREX market is a place where a currency is exchanged for other currencies. This market was first formed in the 70s when there was a transition in the international trading system that is a change from the fixed exchange rate to a floating exchange rate. Today, FOREX can be said to have become the largest financial market in the world.

What is traded on the Foreign Exchange Market / Forex?
The answer, of course money. Currencies are traded in pairs through a broker or dealer, such as the Euro vs. U.S. Dollar (EUR / USD) or Pound vs. Yen (GBP / JPY).
Unlike stock markets, such as New York Stock Exchange or the Jakarta Stock Exchange, the foreign exchange market has no trade center offices. Located in NY Wallstreet NYSE, JSE, while located in Jakarta. The foreign exchange market can be considered as a market that is "Interbank" or OTC "Over The Counter" for the time trade that continue to follow the trade of each country and can be assumed that the foreign exchange market is open for 24 hours.

There is a lot traded currencies in forex trading like the one below:

EUR Euro CHF Swiss Franc
USD U.S. Dollar AUD Australian Dollar
GBP British Pound CAD Canadian Dollar
JPY Japanese Yen NZD New Zealand

All of these currencies will be traded in pairs like EUR / USD, GBP / JPY, and so forth. if you buy EUR / USD means you have to buy Euros against the USD and when you sell EUR / USD means that you have sold the Euro against the USD. So, how do we generate money from FOREX? The answer is simple. You simply buy the currency at a low price and sell at higher prices, and vice versa. The problem is we do not know when the right time to sell and buy. Therefore, traders usually analyze the market before entering into transactions.

Market participants
Who are the participant in this Forex Market?
- Government
- Companies
- Financial Institutions
- Banks
- The Broker
- Business Performer
- Society (Retail Customers)

Example of a successful trader world:
- George Soros (one of the richest 100 people in the world),
- Larry William (With capitalize $ 10,000 within 1 year it managed to produce
total profit of $ 1 million (around Rp 10 M))

FOREX traders usually use 2 types of analysis:

1. Fundamental analysis, by observing the market through economic news, social, and political impact on the currency pair that you traded, you can follow her schedule in www.forexnews.com
2. Technical analysis, by looking at charts to determine market price movements

How do I get a profit in trading?
His way is by analyzing a currency pair which will naek or down, and take its difference from the trade.
If you believe the currency will strengthen (naek) immediately do buy position, then wait for prices naek, do closed (sell) when the currency exceeds the purchase price you'd
If you believe the currency will weaken (go down) do sell position, wait for prices to fall, do closed (buy) when the currency below the price you'd

As the example is this:
Opening of Euro 1.1750 / 1.1753, you analyze that the euro will be a position naek 1.1770/1.1767, then the open buy position when the price is (then you buy at the position of 1.1753), and when the position changed to 1.1770/1.1773, do the closed position / sell currency these (at position 1.1770)
Consider the example above, the offer price and bid price, notice the difference in price and sellnya buy, and when you use the offer price and when to use the bid price.

Why Rupiah not become a major player in the International Market Forex?
Because dollars are not a developed country currencies and the value of its currency relatively highly unstable, think if you play with dollars at the margin trading system, whether your account is able to withstand fluctuations convinced her that high enough? Rupiah including highly volatile, and the basic fundamentals we know right? In terms of technicalnya, spread is also too big! Cardiovascular risk should be insured! It is not recommended for beginners!

Financial Solutions As forex trading Forex / Forex Margin Trading or foreign currency trading is now very easy to do from home or cafe. With a capital computer connected to the internet, we are able to trade foreign currencies from anywhere, home, office, cafe, etc.. In contrast with the Commission House or companies Futures Exchange, where we have to deposit some money to open accounts in the company. The amount of costs that must be remitted to open an account at a company that organizes Valas / Forex Online Trading Margin varied, ranging from U.S. $ 500 (Rp 5,000,000, with the assumption the dollar exchange rate to dollars 10,000) to U.S. $ 10,000 (Rp 100 million with dollar exchange rate assumption to dollars USD. 10,000). Really big paid-in capital to start business Valas / Forex Margin Trading. But, now if you already have a major capital Internet access, whether at home or in the cafe, not so important issues can access the internet. Substantial capital constraints that could be overcome by joining the company Valas / Forex Online Trading Margin which gives relief in a matter of opening accounts.

Contact Us

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Office :

  • Perum. Taman Sukoasri, Blok E, No. 12 Taman - Sidoarjo
  • Sidoarjo, Indonesia 61258

  • Cell Phone :
  • +623178282901

YTFS Community

Young Forex Trader Surabaya (YTFS Community) is a Forex Trader Community of young people as well as someone who has a young soul in the sense ALWAYS THE SOUL OF THE SPIRIT.Founded by Mr. Rawi Allan Iriandi with directly Command by Mr. Ipul Trader Forex onDecember 25, 2010, in which this community is a community of Traders who want todevelop the soul and its potential to grow and become a billionaire.

EXCELLENT TRADE that are characteristic of this community or symbol can be interpreted as
"A trader who can transact with Smart and right, so know and understand how to tradeby mastering and applying some aspects of the theory - the theory of trade in the ForexMarket. "
With guidance and began to hone mental, emotional management, not tick, until in thetrading strategy to obtain large profits from Mr. Ipul Trader Forex, so that this community can grow by leaps and bounds.

This community is also a container and a means for sharing and consultation thatincludes how trading strategies, technical - trading techniques, mental management,capital management, emotional management, management psychology, to riskmanagement.

Community Forum can be visited via Facebook:

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