
YTFS Community

Young Forex Trader Surabaya (YTFS Community) is a Forex Trader Community of young people as well as someone who has a young soul in the sense ALWAYS THE SOUL OF THE SPIRIT.Founded by Mr. Rawi Allan Iriandi with directly Command by Mr. Ipul Trader Forex onDecember 25, 2010, in which this community is a community of Traders who want todevelop the soul and its potential to grow and become a billionaire.

EXCELLENT TRADE that are characteristic of this community or symbol can be interpreted as
"A trader who can transact with Smart and right, so know and understand how to tradeby mastering and applying some aspects of the theory - the theory of trade in the ForexMarket. "
With guidance and began to hone mental, emotional management, not tick, until in thetrading strategy to obtain large profits from Mr. Ipul Trader Forex, so that this community can grow by leaps and bounds.

This community is also a container and a means for sharing and consultation thatincludes how trading strategies, technical - trading techniques, mental management,capital management, emotional management, management psychology, to riskmanagement.

Community Forum can be visited via Facebook:

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Community Forum can be visited via Kaskus The Largest Indonesian Communty Group:


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